24 – The Hunt For Red November – Chapter 35



Chapter 35

THIS IS GOOD.  This is good,” laughed Spiridon.  “That jackass, Khamis, is so concerned with defending himself that he is not looking at the bigger picture.  As Dr. King would have said, he has taken his eyes off the prize.  He thinks by winning the hearts of the people that he will win the Presidency.  That is a sign of a weak leader, Ivanovich, stated making eye contact with each of the Generals seated at the table with him.

He should be leading the people where he wants them to go.  Not the other way around, asserted Ivanovich.  The Presidency of the United States, as it is here in Russia, is not a beauty contest. I should know.  I’m not that beautiful.  Is that not so,” he asked.

The generals looked at one another confirming that, in this instance, it was not life threatening to agree with their President.  A soft murmured, yes, echoed around the table.

“The Presidency is about Power.  That is what the old leaders knew.  This Khamis, he knows nothing.  Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, and even that pansy, Reagan would have dropped several bombs on Moscow by now.  But not that weakling,” Vladimir crowed gesturing at the TV screen.

“I will show him Power.”

General von Rudiger do we have the servants son in a secure location?”

“Yes, Presidency.”

“Then make the call.”

“But sir, if we do it this way Khamis will eventually tract the leak back to the servant and to McRae and eventually to Serga.”

“Don’t worry about Serga.  He can handle himself.”

“They will know that Serga was following your orders, Sir.”

“Let them.  I am doing nothing more than what the United States did in Argentina in 1948 with Juan Peron, in Guatemala in 1954 with President Jacobo Árbenz, in Cambodia in 1970 with the Khmer Rouge, in Grenada in 1983 with Maurice Bishop, in Somalia in 1993 with Mohamed Farrah Aidid.  In all these instances, the United States intervened to change the course of the government.  And surely you haven’t forgotten Afghanistan and Iraq.  Are your memories so short, Ivanovich yelled, pounding the desk with his fists.  Or should I go on?”

Again there was a low murmur among the generals at the desk.  But this time the answer was, “no”.

“I don’t care if the United States knows it was me, Russia,” declared Vladimir Ivanovich. Put the damn plan into action!”



Eliza D. Ankum
Author of
Flight 404
Ruby Sanders
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust
A Woman’s Voice: Book of Poems
STALKED! By Voices


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