Jim Madison – Chapter 6


Chapters 6
Excerpt from OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1

MADISON WAS FALLING, fast.  Too fast.  He knew if he didn’t slow his descent, he’d end up a bloody spot on a desolate section of ground that no one would ever bother searching, especially under the present circumstances.

It was essential that everyone back at Andrews – Joint Base – not Andrews, he corrected himself, especially Staff Sergeant Lucinda Washington and her group believe that he was on his way to NORAD.  In case they were captured.  But the envelope the young Second Lieutenant Louis Lobell had given him on the plane had contained the code word WACO, which confirmed what he already suspected, that NORAD was locked down and under heavy attack.

The Mig attack, on the B52, had given him the out he needed.  Too bad it had come at such a high price.  But, if he was going to have a chance to stop this war before it went any further, he had to have access to a site where he could use the five missile launch codes for the coordinates entrusted to him.

Madison looked down and prayed that he was within a hundred miles or so of a ‘black spot.’  An area in the country so inconspicuous and anonymous that only he, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the President, and those few hand selected individuals fortunate enough to work there, knew existed.

Madison pulled on the parachute’s cord and slowed his descent enough so that he was no longer fearful of breaking a leg or injuring internal organs.

Madison hit the brown Kansas dirt with a thud.  “Well, at least there hadn’t been any trees to get hung up in, he thought.

He quickly began gathering up his silk and looking around for a place to hide the chute in case the Mig did a fly over.  To his left was a small outcropping of rocks.  “That’ll do just fine,” he thought.

Sitting down on one of the rocks, he pulled out his smart phone, pulled the watch from his wrist, and quickly began calculating flying time from Joint Base Andrews.  Luck was on his side.  There was a ‘black’ spot in the town of Angelus, Kansas.  If he dumped everything except his water canteen and double humped it most of the way, he’d make the larger town of Grinnell, Kansas by morning and Angelus by noon.

Even though the night was cold, Madison began stripping down to the essentials – pants, shirt, shoes, watch, ID tags, phone, and canteen.

He needed no wallet stuffed with plastic or tiny pieces of paper with a bunch of unintelligible numbers scribbled here and there.  Everything he needed was in his head.  For safety’s sake, he’d memorized every single coordinate and its launch code.


21.422˚N 39.826˚E                   A5G7XB81

24.468333˚N 39.610833˚E        1X2DW8P9

55˚ 44’48˚N 37’32’13˚E            8MSJQ64T

39˚ 53’53˚N 116˚ 23’ 12˚E        9AYU810M

24˚ 38’ N 46˚ 43˚E                    P3C8DV4Z


With only his smart phone and the stars to guide him Madison set out to save the world.









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