Jim Madison – Chapter 8


Chapter 8
Excerpt taken from OneThreeThirteen

JASPER COLLINS’ old turquoise blue 1978 Chevy long bed truck pulled up in front of the Grinnell-Angelus Agricultural and Community Improvement Center’s fence.

Madison surveyed the area keeping a keen eye out for anything out of the ordinary.  Trouble was everything about the last twelve hours had been out of the ordinary.  It was broad daylight, around noon, he guessed, and the only vehicle in the area was Jasper’s.

This wasn’t going to be easy, Madison thought, peering through the crisscrossed interlaced bars of the fence.  The fence was a good twelve feet high and the corn was planted at least five feet from the fence and the building housing the computer guidance system was even farther, making for a dangerous run across open ground.

Gun pulled, Madison eased himself out of the passenger side door and thought to himself how remarkably quiet and deceptively peaceful the farmland around Angelus, Kansas seemed.

Holding the gun in defense formation Madison moved forward toward the fence.  In the distance was the flute like sound of a lone Western Meadowlark.  Some inner instinct told him something wasn’t quite right.  Madison shifted his eyes to the left and then to the right.  There was danger about.  He could feel it.  Quickly holstering his weapon he reached for the fence.  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you young fella,” yelled Jasper.

“Why not?”

“I’ll show yah.”

Jasper reached down for a rock laying by the side of the road, and when he did so, what he mistook as a hornet, stung him on his right earlobe.  “Damn hornets!” he yelled and threw the rock at the fence.  Bluish silver sparks shot out of the fence where the rock had hit it.

Jasper was just about to say that he knew a better way in when the sniper’s second shot hit him mid back.  He slumped forward over the hood of his truck.  His eyes and mouth were gaped open.  He never knew what hit him.

Madison grabbed Jasper’s corpse by the arm and pulled him around to the other side of the truck hoping that the old man was still alive.  Madison’s breath was coming in short shallow spurts.  He checked Jasper’s pulse.  There was none.  Ping!  A third bullet took off the truck’s antenna.  Madison was instantly sorry that he’d dragged the old man into doing something so dangerous.  He blamed himself for the old man’s death.  He had violated the first rule of engagement.  Never use civilians.  He’d learned that in Afghanistan.

Now was not the time for regrets.  He pulled Jasper’s lifeless body out of the way.  He figured if he couldn’t climb over the fence, he’d use Jasper’s truck as a battering ram now that Jasper no needed it.   Ping!  The sniper’s fourth bullet took out the driver side mirror.

He searched Jasper’s pocket for the keys to the truck, being careful to keep his head down.  Ping! A bullet went through both the driver and passenger side windows.  He knew he had only a couple more rounds before the sniper decided to go for the obvious, the fuel tank.  He flipped Jasper face down in the Kansas soil and frantically dug his hands in the old man’s back pockets.  Still no keys.  Jasper must have had them in his left hand when he got hit, which meant they’d have fallen near the front of the truck.  He had to time this just right.

So, far the sniper was taking his time, toying with him like one of clay ducks at a carnival game.   And the moment he stuck his head up, he’d be a goner.

Right now, the front passenger tire was shielding him from view.  If he reached around the tire to get the keys, he’d be seen.  He needed a distraction.  He sat for a moment, listening to the bullets as they pinged off the body of the truck, not wanting to do the thing he knew he had to do.  He had to use Jasper’s body as a shield.

He swallowed hard before pushing Jasper’s body on its side and laying himself parallel to it.  Slowly he pushed forward.  The first shot took a huge chunk out of Jasper’s skull spraying gray matter, bone, and blood all over Madison’s chest.  Good thing, Madison thought, that he hadn’t eaten anything in the last few hours.  He pushed the nearly headless body forward a few more inches.  The next shot hit Jasper’s shoulder making his arm flap around as though he were hailing a cab.  Madison reached his right arm underneath Jasper’s body and felt around on the ground for the keys.

The sniper got lucky.  His next bullet tore through Jasper’s thin frame midway between his chest and hip hitting Madison in his left external abdominal oblique muscle.   Madison’s hand gripped the keys as he pushed down the urge to yell.  Huffing to ease the pain, he scrambled back behind the tire, praying the sniper wouldn’t get off another shot.

Madison took a couple of deep breaths bracing himself for the pain he knew was coming when he hurled himself into the cab of the truck.  He had to do it quick; like pulling a bandage off a wound.

Summoning up his courage, Madison reached up with his right hand and opened the passenger side door.  A hail of bullets rang out.  He knew there’d be a momentary pause when the sniper looked up over his rifle to see if he’d hit his target. “Now!” He thought and threw himself into the truck.  A pain the likes he hadn’t felt since Mogadishu tore through his left side.  He had the keys in the ignition before the sniper could lower his eye back to the scope.  Madison turned the key and pushed the gas pedal down with his hand.  He aimed the truck straight ahead.

The old jalopy bounced along the road like a bucking bronco.   When he’d gone what he figured was a safe distance Madison took his hand off the gas pedal and dared to raise his head to see where he was.   He was at the rear of the facility and one look in the rearview mirror told him he wasn’t going to be alone for long.  Three men dressed in camouflage carrying sniper rifles were headed towards him.  He hauled his wounded carcass into the driver side seat, and slammed his foot on the gas.  He put about ten feet between him and men before turning the truck around and aiming it at fence.  He never hesitated.  Never flinched.

Two of the snipers dove out of the way of the fast moving truck but one raised his rifle trying to get off a shoot but Madison never lifted his foot off the gas pedal.   Ducking beneath the dashboard for cover, Madison felt a big bump as the truck ran over the sniper and kept going into the fence.  Bluish silver, red, and black sparks arced over the top and sides of the truck, some stinging Madison’s back as the truck went through the fence.

Jasper’s old truck landed with a thud in the middle of the government’s experimental hybrid cornfield planted to disguise seven long range missile silos.

Madison rolled out of the truck grabbing his left side and hauled ass for the complex.  Bullets sailed over his head.  He burst through the unlocked doors of the complex and came to a sudden halt.


Standing in the darkened hallway of the Black Ops Angelus, Kansas complex with a Makarov semi-automatic pistol to his head was his son, Danny.  Behind the man holding the pistol to his son’s head were about a dozen or more soldiers dressed in various uniforms from different countries.  Madison recognized a few of them.

“Cornel Madison, stand down.”


Eliza Ankum
Author of
Flight 404
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 2)
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt East Dust
A Woman’s Voice: Book of Poems
STALKED! By Voices






Jim Madison – Chapter 6


Chapters 6
Excerpt from OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1

MADISON WAS FALLING, fast.  Too fast.  He knew if he didn’t slow his descent, he’d end up a bloody spot on a desolate section of ground that no one would ever bother searching, especially under the present circumstances. Continue reading

Jim Madison – Chapter 5


Chapters 5
Excerpt from OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1

BEFORE THE DOOR OF THE OLD B-52 bomber was locked and closed securely, the pilot was off and racing down the runway.

“Welcome aboard Colonel Sir,” yelled the young second lieutenant who’d risked a life threatening fall, dragging Madison the rest of the way into the plane. Continue reading

Jim Madison – Chapter 3


Chapter 3: Excerpt from OneThreeThirteen

THE ‘WAR ROOM’ looked exactly like Madison feared it might – empty.

Together he and the Staff Sergeant got things going. The Staff Sergeant started up the central computer that linked Andrew’s computer system to the ones at the Pentagon. While the Staff Sergeant worked on the uplink to the Pentagon, Madison worked on getting an up-link to NORAD’s main satellite which he then linked to the ‘War Room’s world-wide status map. When the huge screens, that were the room’s main focus, lit up neither Madison nor the Staff Sergeant could believe what they were seeing. Continue reading

Jim Madison – Chapter 2



Chapter 2: Excerpt taken from OneThreeThirteen

LIEUTENANT COLONEL BILLY HAMILTON, Watch Commander for the night, ordered the men and women under his command to remain at their posts. He then went into the Base Commander’s office, took out his Air Force issued service revolver, put it to his right temple, and pulled the trigger. Continue reading

24 – The Hunt For Red November is in editing



The Final 15 chapters (38 -50) of 24 – of The Hunt For Red November have been written and the entire book has been sent off for editing.

So, while The Hunt is in editing – removing all of my typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, and story line inconsistencies – I thought you might appreciate a look back at Jim Madison’s adventures in OneThreeThirteen (A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1). Continue reading

24 – The Hunt For Red November – Chapter 35



Chapter 35

THIS IS GOOD.  This is good,” laughed Spiridon.  “That jackass, Khamis, is so concerned with defending himself that he is not looking at the bigger picture.  As Dr. King would have said, he has taken his eyes off the prize.  He thinks by winning the hearts of the people that he will win the Presidency.  That is a sign of a weak leader, Ivanovich, stated making eye contact with each of the Generals seated at the table with him.

Continue reading

24 – The Hunt For Red November – Chapter 27



Chapter 27

KHAMIS STARED at his reflection in the mirror as he adjusted his tie. Reflected in that same mirror he saw that the Intelligence Report bearing Alya’s name, that he’d carelessly left on his nightstand, was on the table by the sofa. He rushed over, removed the only remaining copy from where it lay and hurriedly locked it in the room’s safe while saying a quick prayer to Allah. Continue reading

Other People’s Mess


As most of you know, I’ve been writing the ebook, 24 – The Hunt For Red November, but since Mr. Trump has decided to use that title for his website and there’s all this talk about the Russians – like in the book –  I’ve decided to shelve that book on hold until late February.

What I have been doing in the meantime is re-editing some of my other books.  I’m almost finished with STALKED! By Voices’ re-edit.

In doing so, I came across the following passage and I thought I’d share it with you as a way of answering the question, “When are you going to do something about the mess your Stalkers have made?”

And the answer is, “I’m not going to do anything about it.  I didn’t make the mess, nor was I asked about the mess before it got to be a mess.  Because I’ve learned you don’t clean up their mess.  They’ll just repeat the mess, again, and again, and again.”

So, here now is Chapter 27 of STALKED!By Voices.

“IN PURSUIT of my New found faith, I moved.  I’d met people who seemed to enjoy their faith and also considered it no sin to have a life at the same time.

They went to Church on Wednesday nights and practically all day on Sunday and still found time to party in the French Quarter on Friday and Saturday. Yes, this was my kind of religion.

My new apartment was located on Elysian Fields. In spite of its location on Elysian Fields (islands of the Blessed), the new apartment turned out to be a disaster.

It was a generously sized two-bedroom apartment that was infested with huge flying cockroaches and termites. Neither of which was apparent when I did my initial walk-thru. Imagine sitting on your living room sofa and having to duck and run for cover because an enormous winged cockroach is flying straight towards your head.

I stayed there about three or four months. Most of the time, I was afraid to go to sleep fearing one of those darn roaches would land on my face. I kept having flash backs about a movie I’d seen years before staring George Peppard, you know, the leader of the A-Team.

In the movie, Damnation Alley released in 1977, he and a few others were traveling across a post-apocalyptic earth in a high tech van, looking for other survivors. In one scene the Black actor, of course, is eaten alive by armor plated roaches. I couldn’t stand it any longer.

I broke my lease by writing a letter to the property’s holding company. A few days after writing the letter, the property manager stormed over to my apartment and started screaming at me, “How dare you write to the holding office and inform them of the apartment’s conditions. Don’t you know anything, little girl. This was all done for you. Now I have to clean up this mess, myself.”

It took me a long time before I understood what he was saying. And it was that the roaches and termites had all been put there and I was expected to shell out the cash to clean up the place, because I loved it so much. That, is classic mind-reader/stalker logic.

I did not clean up their mess. Instead I moved to 3000 Gentilly Blvd, Apt 223. New Orleans, La., 70122. The new apartment had a full sized pool, laundry room, central air conditioning, and extra storage in the apartment. And not far away was a three-mile bike path. But more importantly, it was on Vi’s way to Church.”

So, to all you city managers, policemen, Churches, employers, and business owners, I do not clean-up The Stalker’s mess.  And I’ve learned over the years, neither do they.  You are going to end up cleaning up their mess, yourselves.

Eliza D. Ankum
Author of
Flight 404
Ruby Sanders – A Novel
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust

Originally posted on https://mystalkingblog.wordpress.com









Kinetic Sculpture






Can you believe these are made of metal?  Both pieces are by the ingenious artist Anthony Howe.  

Stay tuned to see how I use kinetic sculptures in the book.


Eliza D. Ankum
Author of
Flight 404
Ruby Sanders
Jared Anderson
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Novel Series Book 1
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust
STALKED! By Voices